Filme / Films Hätten / Had Nähren / Nurture Papa / Dad Produktion / Production Unternehmen / Company Verschiedene / Various Versuchen / Trying Weg / Gone Wurden / Were
When I was preparing for the film for tree weeks, with David Cronenberg, I had a lady friend come over.
I'm constantly trying to find new ways to get my hair out of my face.
When I first heard Kraftwerk, I thought they were an American band singing in German.
Though the first iPhone was expensive, it was such a refreshing new product that early users flocked to it.
In my day, the films you got were about mature people, people with some kind of weight.
It took us about a day and a half to find out what had gone wrong.
The Passion narratives are the first pieces of the Gospels that were composed as a unity.
Where I fall down is my short game. I don't practice enough, and when I have to take a half swing from 50 yards out, that's trouble.
So I decided to form a production company with my wife and our partner Diane.