Besorgnis, Sorge / Concern Charakter / Character Darsteller / Actor Es sei denn / Unless Ihre / Your Immer / Always Langweilig / Boring Schwingen / Swinging Sie / You
As an actor, you always want to root for your characters.
Being an actor is the loneliest thing in the world. You are all alone with your concentration and imagination, and that's all you have.
When you act, you're always playing a version of yourself. You can't bring more to the role than what you are.
Actors are always looking for actor-proof parts. A part so good you can't screw it up!
Whenever you're in any acting role you are mortgaging your own character.
It's always tense when you move a character from a book to the screen. Always tense.
As an actor, you are always looking for subtext, for layers, for what's going on underneath.
The great thing about being a writer is that you are always recreating yourself.
When your mother gives you confidence about anything that you do, you carry that confidence with you.