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When I first started acting, everyone in my family did not want me to act.
Everybody just wants to be famous first, and then maybe learn how to act.
As a director, I also get to sit and watch actors and learn from them in a way that I don't get to do when I'm just acting.
When I was little, I didn't have dreams to be an actress or a star; I wanted to be a mom, have a house and a picket fence.
I always wanted to be an actor, but I just never told anyone. I had this superstition that if I said it out loud, it wouldn't come true.
I wasn't trying to turn graffiti into an art form. I just wanted to learn about art. I wanted to learn this game.
It wasn't that I left acting; it's just that I put it aside while I set about becoming a comic.
If you want to be an actor, you need to learn how to act first, even in sketch comedy.
If we don't start playing better on defense, it's going to be hard. We can't just sit there and win shootouts.