Entwicklung / Development Führer / Leader Gewesen / Been Immer / Always In der Vergangenheit / In The Past LED / Led Musik / Music Pack Vergangenheit / Past
I love music. It's always been very dear to me. It's a big passion.
I mean, I've been stupid in the past, and I've learned from that.
I'm a hoarder. For me, documentation has always been key, and I've kept everything from my past.
As a species, we've always been discoverers and adventurers, and space and the deep ocean are some of the last frontiers.
I always listen to a lot of different music when I am working on a project.
I've always listened to country music. I wanted Hootie to become a country band at first, but I was outvoted.
I made money. What am I gonna invest in? Stocks? No. I'm going to invest in music.
Music isn't necessarily made to last, and there's always been disposable music.
And my music is always such a release of what I feel inside, an impulse.