Auch / Too Bisschen / Bit Denken / Think Ein kleines bisschen / Little Bit Helden / Heroes Kennt / Know Leute / People Menge / Lot Oben / Up Sich / Themselves Sport / Sports Sterne / Stars Wenig / Little
Most truths are so naked that people feel sorry for them and cover them up, at least a little bit.
A life in politics is for people who know themselves and know where their own line is between loyalty and honesty.
If you have a secret, people will sit a little bit closer.
I've been one of those people that hold on to a little bit more stress than others. People take certain situations a little bit differently.
Heroes are people who think more of others than themselves. This is not to say that they don't think of themselves. They do. They certainly do. But they think of others more.
Everyone has a little bit of Howard and Chad in them. I think there's Christine in all men as well.
I was a little bit of a tech lord. Not a lord. More of a duke or a nobleman. I was into that stuff as a kid. Nothing too crazy.
The point of being a movie star is that people cast you in a role. Actors tie themselves in knots trying to get out of that.
I have an I.Q. of 100 plus a little bit. I have to work real hard to get things when I read.