Erkenne / Recognize Finden / Find Genagelt / Nailed Ich kann / I Can Ich liebe / I Love Liebe / Love Mich selber / Myself Schauspielkunst / Acting Schwer / Hard Sehr / Very Stolz / Proud
I love technology and I can handle myself around a computer.
What I love about my husband is that he really allows me to be the best person I can.
I love to reinvent myself, and that's because I am a very free person. I do what I feel, and I love who I am.
In a sense I portray myself in a very androgynous way, and I love androgyny.
I like gardening - it's a place where I find myself when I need to lose myself.
I'm proud of myself, people love me and respect me, and I like me. I like who I am.
I love being physical, but I don't have any desire to prove myself.
I love my friends and my past, and it's made me who I am.
Oh I love gadgets and I pride myself on keeping at the cutting edge of technology.