Ist gestorben / Died Jackson Merken / Remember Michael Michael Jackson Sie / You Woher / Where Wurden / Were
It's terrible. How can we tell the world who the real Michael Jackson is?
The real Michael Jackson that has not been seen... with children, one in diapers, the other two toddlers.
I cried, I was so overwhelmed to meet Michael Jackson.
There's no place in the world you can go and not hear rock-and-roll, from Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder to Phil Collins.
I want to be the Denzel of acting and the Michael Jackson of music.
I mean, Janet Jackson? She's like Michael Jackson with hair.
In the words of Michael Jackson: I'm a lover, not a fighter.
Beethoven and Beatles, Mozart and Michael Jackson, Paganini and Prince - I like them all.
People still look at Michael Jackson as being a Motown artist.