Beschuldigt / Blamed Darstellerin / Actress Fehler / Failure Fehler / Failures Hass / Hate Männer / Men Sehen / See Wie / How
I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.
I'd hate to see any film I'm involved in fail, especially artistically but also business-wise.
Susan is just great. I know I'm biased, but she's a great actress.
I redefined how I ate and exercised and have continued to keep that up because it feels great.
I've been blissfully ignorant about the result of my films and don't get swayed by success or failure.
I don't see myself being an actress forever.
For gold is tried in the fire and acceptable men in the furnace of adversity.
Intemperance and intolerance serve no one, and hatred guarantees failure.