Atlantisch / Atlantic Behalten / Keep Entwickler / Developer Größte / Biggest Könnte sein / Maybe Neu / New New York Stadt / City Weg / Way York
The first time I went to New York, I met Alan Freed.
New York is kind of a mythological city in may ways.
New York came after me aggressively and that's what sealed the deal.
I always had this energy level that made me want to come to New York.
Water, water, everywhere, Atlantic and Pacific. But New York City's got them beat, Our aqua is terrific!
However, the moral center of New York City, I believe, is the New York City Ballet.
I love being able to be a writer. That's what I moved to New York to be.
New York is the biggest city, biggest fan base, and they don't sugarcoat nothing around here.
Being back on stage in New York, off-Broadway - I mean, that's an actor's dream.