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I don't think that I'm that easy to live with. I have to be reminded that I can have fun. I need my family to remind me in a loving and nice way to lighten up.
I love to show off my ability in a nice way.
I've never been one to try to find a niche for myself. I've always tried to wait and see what comes.
I'm the one that has to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life, the way I want to.
I wanted to create a new way of looking at retail.
Language is a nice way to remember things.
It's nice to win. I'll never win again. I may have to take up golf - take on Tiger.
When you move to New York, especially, you feel like you need to be something.
I played the game one way. I gave it everything I had. It doesn't take any ability to hustle.