Arbeit / Work Bilden / Make Up Disziplin / Discipline Dramatisch / Dramatic Gerade / Just Harte Arbeit / Hard Work Machen / Make Mist / Crap Nimmt / Takes Oben / Up Schriftsteller / Writer Schwer / Hard Talent Warum / Why
It takes some discipline and hard work, but relying on credit when things go wrong is a trap.
You need three things to win: discipline, hard work and, before everything maybe, commitment. No one will make it without those three. Sport teaches you that.
I am a feminist. Women are discriminated against in so many ways, and they make up half the population.
It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?
In fitness, there are no short cuts. It involves immense discipline and hard work.
I'm thankful I grew up the way I did. It made me a hard worker and insightful to other people's lives.
I must work hard to make my singing above reproach; there must be no faults which hard work would take care of.
I love doing the research for the novels. For me, the writing is hard work.
Ice skating is very difficult. It takes a lot of discipline and a lot of hard work. It's fun, but you are there on the ice every morning freezing and trying to do these moves and these tricks.