Als / Than Ausgesetzt / Exposed Bett / Bed Denken / Think Entstehenden / Emerging Häufig / Often Körper / Bodies Lange / Long Leicht / Slightly Mehr / More Nackt / Naked Packs Schulter / Shoulder Sex Zwei / Two
Covering up, so far as I can see, is often the accompaniment to far more truly shameful behaviour than stripping off.
Looking down at the Earth, you started to pick up a sense of speed much more than I had noticed on orbit.
I know that sounds corny. And I know you've heard it before. But it's really true: We're so much more than our bodies.
The border is way more porous than it should be, and I think we'd be open to discussing anything that enhances border security.
Most people are so busy knocking themselves out trying to do everything they think they should do, they never get around to what they want to do.
I mean, I think I'm doing a lot better than other people that have had shoulder surgery in their careers. Some people have never come back.
I don't think I've ever read an old book through from start to finish. Not after more than six months after writing it, that is.
I don't think that people should wear dresses two sizes too small. I just think that sexiness is better left to the imagination. It's just more tasteful.
There is only one class in the community that thinks more about money than the rich, and that is the poor. The poor can think of nothing else.