Anerkennung / Appreciation Besser / Better Empfang / Receiving Ermutigend / Encouraging Gewesen / Been Mir / Me Schiebt / Pushes Sehr / Very
The best businesspeople have a hunger to make their todays better than their yesterdays. They have a staggeringly large appetite for pushing the envelope.
Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process.
I have so much appreciation for movies because I understand how hard it is to make one.
I deeply appreciate all the support and encouragement I have received from people all across India.
I'm very lucky in that my agent and my editors know better. They don't push me. Because I don't take that well.
Poetical appreciation is only newly bursting on me.
I was a very keen reader of science fiction.
People are realistic enough to appreciate what the market values of different people are.
Perhaps Europeans are a bit more skeptic whereas Americans are more believers.