Erhalten / Get Etwas / Something Finden / Find Gelernt / Learnt Leben / Live Loswerden / Rid Sie / You Weg / Way
If you want to be right-sized in body, you've got to get rid of the supersize way of life.
All you'd have to do is get a sad look, and he'd try to do something for you.
Today you have something like A Film by Joe Harry. That is patently asinine and ridiculous.
The stage is a routine. It keeps you grounded, like a metronome. I find that soothing.
The fact is that when you do something from your heart, you leave a heart print.
You want something? Go get it with single-minded devotion.
I have great sympathy for people that are infertile, but a life is not something you can give away.
If you're going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy.
The ability to make music is a gift that you're born with; it's not something you can learn.