Zitat des Tages von Tommy Wiseau:
We have many Lisas, Marks, Dennys, Johnnys, and other characters from 'The Room' in America and in the entire world.
You cannot have the drama without comedy.
When I was a little kid, I wanted to be, like, you know, a movie star, you know? Or, I always have interest in movie, you know? Because I like the visual aspect of the movies, et cetera.
As a director, it's my job to provoke, and when people decided 'The Room' be called a phenomenon, or whatever you call it, it's fine with me.
I want to be always actor.
I'm not here to criticize anyone.
I like acting better than anything else, but, you know, directing's good.
I like a lot of classic movies, like, for example, 'Citizen Kane', James Dean movies, etc, etc.
Express yourself, don't hurt yourself.
'The Room' is relationships. The room is you and me and everyone in America. That's basically what 'The Room' is.