Zitat des Tages von T. D. Jakes:
We cannot embrace God's forgiveness if we are so busy clinging to past wounds and nursing old grudges.
And another thing is that I think as a church whenever we become politically driven, we alienate at least 50 percent of the people that God called us to reach with our political orientations.
I think the first step is to understand that forgiveness does not exonerate the perpetrator. Forgiveness liberates the victim. It's a gift you give yourself.
My first church had seven members in it, and I have to remember, the rent was $225 a month and I worked for Union Carbide and took the check I made from work to pay for the rent to keep the church open.
If you learn how to forgive others for not being strong, then people can learn how to forgive you for your own issues.
Here is the amazing thing about Easter; the Resurrection Sunday for Christians is this, that Christ in the dying moments on the cross gives us the greatest illustration of forgiveness possible.
I think the amazing thing about gospel music is that not only does it lift up the death and resurrection of our Lord, which is consistent with the Gospel, but it is uniquely communicated depending upon the generation.
It is your passion that empowers you to be able to do that thing you were created to do.
When you make a decision to forgive it's a decision that you have to make intellectually.
I think that my preaching style and many of my ideas and ideals about faith are based in both Pentecostal and Baptist background.
I'm not particularly political. I'm not particularly denominational. I'm not worried about any of that.
The first time I walked on a stage I knew that was what I was created to do. I knew that there was a calling and a sense of purpose in my life that gave me fulfillment and a sense of destiny.
Children are not unforgiving. You can punish them and they will hug you in a few minutes.
There is nothing I'm any more passionate than empowering the next generation.
There are no college courses to build up self-esteem or high school or elementary school. If you don't get those values at a early age, nurtured in your home, you don't get them.
I was raised in the Baptist church... but I didn't really have a real committed experience with Christ until my father died.
I think most people who get into their 50s reassess what made sense and what didn't make sense.
Forgiveness is about empowering yourself, rather than empowering your past.