Zitat des Tages von Robert Herjavec:
I own a Ferrari race team, and we race all over North America.
When I was a waiter, I wanted to be the best waiter I could be and worked to be better at it every day.
What is great about entrepreneurship is that entrepreneurs create the tangible from the intangible.
I don't think anybody ever started a great business because they wanted to make a little more cash. They had a dream. They wanted to better their life.
Older cars tend to drive like older cars. That is not for me.
I was one of those guys who never wanted to start their own business. I never saw myself as a leader. I saw myself as a great No. 2.
It is human nature, especially as we get older, to look for stability in our lives. But if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to fight against that somewhat, as starting a business requires movement. You cannot stay still.
I just don't sleep enough. But I have never met someone very successful who, at the end of their life, says 'I wish I slept more.'
The idea of getting a lifetime job, and making $100,000 a year, with benefits, is dead and gone. It's over. And it may never come again. That's a very scary thought for a lot of people.
Some people will lie to you because they mean to. Others will do it to tell you what you want to hear.
When I sold my first business, I wanted to do something nice for my dad. I wanted to give my parents a bunch of money, but they wouldn't take anything from me. They were so happy for me; they felt they didn't need money.
I try to get in one, one-hour spinning class per week.