Zitat des Tages von Andrew Forrest:
The most generous part of your philanthropy could be the time you put in to procure the same results and same outcomes and same returns you demand in business.
Tax can be structured in a way that actually encourages investment in infrastructure and encourages investment in Australia from overseas.
My greatest love in life is to develop projects. I just get a huge kick out of that. I've been doing it since ever I could.
There's so many politicians who have given politics a pretty poor name... their actions have been demonstrated to be part of their over-enthusiasm to get reelected.
We really need to change taxation policy so that it is not skewed against owning more than one house.
I'm never looking at life in terms of legacy.
Wealthy people in Australia tend to give, and give very quietly.
I'd like to see the University of Western Australia and the other four or five universities in Western Australia really excel through having some of the greatest minds in the world attracted to it.
If you haven't had a few dents in your resume, you haven't tried.
There are people all over Australia who use their homes as hubs that they travel from, and they encourage their indigenous people to continue to stay there.
If you know that something is true and just, and you give up, that's when you fail.
The teachings of the New Testament are the most valuable guide to the best way to a civil and sustainable society the world has seen.
I will always put family first. Every time I haven't, I have regretted it and apologised.
What I would say is governments need assistance to run their organisations more efficiently just like businesses do.
When you're asked/told to come to Canberra by your Prime Minister, in the country I grow up in, you obey that.
We do need an attitude of leadership in our government which demonstrates faith in major population centres outside of Perth.